A showreel (also known as a demo reel) is a short piece of video or film footage showcasing an actor or presenter's previous work. Usually 2 to 3 minutes in length, a showreel typically supplements an artist's résumé and is used to promote the artist's skill, talent, and experience.
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"Be careful what you get for your kids!" That's how Beppe's biography could kick off. Fascinated by photography since a young age, at 15 years old he finds out this passion can be combined with another love of his: cinema. After his bachelor's degree in Cinema's history and critics with a thesis on the digital advent in Italian movies, he stars to travel the world to study (Maine Media College/USA - Lenszflare International Film Cinematography/Danmark - Hochschule far Film und Fernsehen “Konrad Wolf”/ Germany) and work. He collaborates with directors from all over the world and signs the photography of numerous featured films and adv commercials .

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